Thursday, November 15, 2018

Amazing Jacob McCorkle

This is Jacob McCorkle! He is amazing! His story is super sweet! He was looking at books on his phone one night and came across the Book of Mormon.

He remembered something about it and prayed that the missionaries would find him. The next morning he went to work at Bob Evans in Eldersburg. Then, six missionaries walked in! Jacob couldn't believe it! He asked for some literature and later met with the missionaries that day.

Over a few weeks Jacob came to know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God. He totally accepted the gospel and on September 22nd was baptized! A couple of weeks later he was able to go to the Philadelphia temple and do the work for his Grandfather!

He goes out teaching with the missionaries all of the time! His desire to share the gospel is incredible! He has already given out multiple copies of the Book of Mormon to his friends! He continues to bare a strong testimony of his Savior. Jacob is amazing!

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Matinsburg Zone Conference, December 2023