Thursday, November 15, 2018

Dawn Steele Baptism

One day Brother Bere decided to take Elder Nelson and I (Elder Coombs) out on missionary splits. We had a few people that we wanted to stop by and one of them included the Steeles. Brother Steele has been a member his whole life but has not really been that active. Dawn is his wife who he recently married.

In 2017 Dawn talked with the missionaries a little bit but nothing really went anywhere. So we went over and talked to the Stills and Brother Bere straight up ask them, "Dawn, do you want to be baptized?" Dawn answered with a smile on her face, yes, I do.

From that point on we started teaching Dawn every Tuesday night. For the next month-and-a-half. She really loved learning about the Plan of Salvation and what happens to us after we pass on from this Earth life. It brought tears to her face and she could feel the spirit very strongly when we taught her that lesson.

We set her baptism for September 2nd and Bishop Gilbert baptized her.  It was such a great service. Her husband Bill has since become active again and they live having the gospel in there lives.

About a month after her baptism they went on a trip to Delaware. While they were there there was a bad storm and they were not able to come home the day they wanted to. They had to stay in Delaware on Sunday and so since they were going to miss church, they decided that they would find an LDS church that they could go to in Delaware. When they got home from their trip they told us all about the story and were super proud of themselves that they went to church while they were out of town.  This was the first time that either one of them had done this in their life. It is amazing to see how the gospel can change people's lives.

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Matinsburg Zone Conference, December 2023