Thursday, November 15, 2018

Finding Refuge in the Savior

Sister Perez was baptized in July and her story is pretty awesome. As a young mother with a 5 year old girl, she was living in Guatemala. She wanted to come to the United States to find refuge from some of the things that were going on in Guatemala.

The time came when she thought it was the right moment to leave everything to find refuge in America. She said that she prayed and promised God that she would follow Him for the rest of her life if He would allow her to make it to the United States. Well, after a long and hard journey she arrived to the United States where she was able to find refuge with some of her cousins and friends.

As she thought about the promise that she made with God that she "would devote her life to Him," she wondered how she would do it. Well it shouldn't have been a surprise then when two young missionaries knock on their door. What she didn't realize is that her friends and cousins were members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It took her from the first moment that she met the missionaries to getting baptized about 2 months. The main thing that she has expressed is that she knows that God is aware of all of us and knows all or our situations, and if we will be faithful to him, he will help us in whatever thing we might need of him.

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Matinsburg Zone Conference, December 2023