Thursday, November 15, 2018

Blessings in Woodstock Ward

We wish to share this experience we have had with our dear friend, and sister Toni Whitmer.
This all began with meeting her sister (Jody Miller), as missionaries we were passing by on a rainy day in April. We saw Jody on her porch sitting by herself, when we went up to her with smiles explaining who we are and what we are here to share for her and her family. Jody was welcoming for us to come back and visit her.
Because of schedules being in the way of meeting with each other, the only contact we had with Jody was through Facebook until the end of June.  Then we were able to finally sit down with the whole family, and that is when we were able to meet Donald, PeggyRose, Toni, and John. They all were ready to hear the gospel and work together as a family to learn and study!
We were so excited for them all especially when Toni told us that she was wanting to be baptized into the Lords church by someone who held that priesthood authority.  She had told us this on the Tuesday of that week, then we went by Saturday night of that same week to check in with them on their reading of the scriptures and all was great, they were excited for church the next day.
As Sunday had rolled around none of the Whitmers or Millers came to church and we were a little confused. We came to find out that Toni had passed away early that morning. Now the miracle of this wonderful family is that though Toni's passing left us heart broken Toni's daughter PeggyRose, being full with the spirit of the Lord, decided to be baptized into this church. With this journey that PeggyRose has started she will be baptized for her dear mother in a temple in a year from August 11th!
The Lord truly has allowed us to see with our eyes his work and his glory, and how he works in ways we don't always understand to bring us closer until we are a family. The Millers and Whitmers were not alone in this process, and they did not just have the missionaries as support. But they had the entire Woodstock Ward constantly visiting them and loving them like they were lifelong members.
We testify that this family has blessed the Woodstock Ward and the family members of the Miller and Whitmer families on both sides of the veil! In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

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Matinsburg Zone Conference, December 2023