Sunday, April 12, 2020

Covid Quarantine Miracles in Winchester, Virginia

This is Sister Case and Sister Mckeen:)
We wanted to share a couple of miracles with you!
One of them was when we were in Winchester, the first night of the quarantine. We were calling a bunch of people trying to set up video lessons and we let our ward know what was going on. At the end of the night, a member of the bishopric made a group with us on messenger and some other people. We were really confused, but then he sent a text telling all the people in the group that we were stuck inside so we needed their help to find people to teach. He asked them who they worked with while serving here that we could reach out to! We realized the group was with a bunch of former missionaries. After he sent that text our phones blew up with messages from these missionaries! That first night we had over 30 referrals of members and non members! Since then those former missionaries have sent a few other people that have been on their minds. We sat there that night crying because we could tell that this was the first of many miracles to come to us during quarantine! We knew that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ were very aware of us!

Our other miracle/tender mercy is that throughout the last month we have felt more hope and love than before. We know everything is going to be okay and going to work out! We aren't as easily discouraged when things aren't working out, because we know that there is a way and God is going to show it to us!

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Matinsburg Zone Conference, December 2023