Sunday, April 26, 2020

Covid Miracles in Hagerstown, Maryland

Hermana Peterson & Trapp!

•On April 10, we had the world wide fast. It was so amazing to see how many of our friends were willing to join us, even if we barely mentioned it. Miss. H joined, and she said she would invite her friends and family. Christine joined us, but can't medically skip food. So she was willing to participate by giving something else up! Ethel & Phil also joined us in the fast!

•Ethel: the Tuesday before quarantine we met her after our district counsel. She was waiting at the bus stop, across the street from the church building! We didnt have a car, and had been waiting at the church for a few minutes. If we hadn't left right then, and had to walk, we never would have met her. We went to her house one time before quarantine! She has also invited her husband and daughter to join our lessons! We've had at least one, if not two lessons a week with them, while in quarantine.

•Angel: we had a church tour with her before quarantine, but only one other lesson. She was super super hard to get in contact with. She just wouldn't respond, or answer her phone. Once quarantine started we have had DAILY contact with her!! For weeks we would read the Book of Mormon together, everynight. We asked her to pray about it. She prayed 3 times!! She then told us, she knows that the Book of Mormon is true! Her mother passed away a few years ago, and that has still be very hard for her. Hna Peterson lost her mom in 2018, so Angel has really trusted us, and been very willing to talk about her mom. Hna Peterson's mom, and Angel's mom, both have many things in common. Lots of little miracles. One day Angel posted about how her mom loves lilacs. Hna Petersons mom also loves them!! Angel brought some over to our apt. Little miracles bring her closer and closer to us.

•Bibles: Hna Peterson & Trapp posted La Santa Biblia on facebook marketplace. We've had over 90 conversations about the Bible, and over 2900 views on the ad! Many of the people have lived out of our mission, but we just are spreading the wealth. One person, named Doug, messaged us and asked if we spoke English (the ad was in Spanish), and if we had a Book of Mormon! We also met our new friends, Jassmine, Rosa, and Leonel! We are getting ready to put Leonel on date. All from a simple Bible ad! The ones out of our mission have also been having a lot of success as well!

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