Friday, November 2, 2018

Promised Blessings for the Maryland Baltimore Mission

As we look back on the things we were taught by Elder D. Todd Christofferson, we will become better missionaries, better brothers and sisters, and better servants of Christ.  Here are a few of the highlights that we were taught that day.  I invite you to read through them and ponder them often as promised blessings will be ours.

(By Elder D. Todd Christofferson Visit on September 8th, 2018) with Elder Vinson, Elder Haynie, and Elder Calderwood of the Seventy.

  1. As you focus on the Atoning Sacrifice of Jesus Christ, you will stay on the path.
  2. Those who struggle will feels as the Savior has felt, and because of Him will conquer depression and stress.
  3. As you stand at their door step, the kingdom of Heaven will arrive.
  4. The Atonement of Jesus Christ will work most in your life as you do all you can do and leave your "mud" behind.
  5. Your service here in the mission field is the greatest thing you can do for your families back home, even when trials are amidst.
  6.  As you become better teachers, you will be able to help others along the path of repentance and the Spirit will guide you in what their next step is.
  7. As you seek and ask, you will receive a witness of our standing before the Lord from time to time and it will bring you forward:
         -   You will have greater persuasiveness in our teaching
         -   You will improve and grow as disciples of Christ
         -   You will be trusted tools in the Lord's hands
         -   You will feel His love more than before
         -   You will find joy in the work 
         -   You will bless others and reflect goodness as you heed the counsel of the Mission 
         -    Scattered Israel hangs around Gathered Israel. 
         -    As scattered Israel reads the Book of Mormon, they'll hear their Shepard's voice. 
         -    You will recognize the scattered Israel because they will keep commitments. 
         -    You will find the elect and our mission will explode in baptisms as we get out of our car and talk with everyone.

     8.  As you humble ourselves and sacrifice, the debt will only grow. The Lord cannot withhold blessings from you as you move forward in faith and diligence.
     9.  All of God's promises are available to you as long as you are obedient and put forth faith.
   10.  Your hearts and desires will change as you live the Gospel.
   11.  As you turn to Christ, His light will immediately expel darkness.

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Matinsburg Zone Conference, December 2023