Thursday, November 15, 2018

Pittman Family Baptism

The Pittman family (Dave, Becky, Lucy, and Abby) started to be taught the gospel of Jesus Christ in the summer of 2017. They were friends of the Pullsufers and where their back door neighbors. The Pullsufers invited them to take the discussions with the missionaries so they did so.

They were taught off and on for a couple of months and then got super busy so no longer were able to be taught any longer. They started coming to church in April of 2018 but we're not being taught at that time. Elder Nelson and Elder Coombs started teaching them again in July of 2018.

Brother Pittman was ready to be baptized at this point but his wife and kids were not. For the next couple of weeks we went through all the lessons with them and brought Sister Bere over who played a big roll in their conversion. Sister Pittman was hesitant at first but after awhile received her own testimony of the Gospel.

They were baptized on August 4th 2018 and then a week later we are able to go to the Philadelphia Temple and do baptisms for their ancestors. When we did baptisms for the dead, Brother Pittman was able to baptize me and his wife and 2 daughters. It was a super cool experience because he had only been a member for less than a week and one of the witnesses thought he had been a member for years just because of how well he was doing it. They are now some strong converts in the church.

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Matinsburg Zone Conference, December 2023