Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Miracle in Columbia 1

Now a miracle from the Columbia 1 area. This is one that has taken place over the course of about 6 months. Elder Stone and Elder Barney shared this in zone conference while I was serving in Keyser. Back in April/May, when I was still the Assistant, Elder Palmer and I would drive down a road where there were some apartments/townhomes. Everytime I drove by them I felt impressed that we needed to go knock/contact in that area. I told Elder Palmer and he hadn't been there before. We were really busy for a couple weeks but finally we were able to take some time one evening to knock the homes. After a few doors we knocked on a man's door. We will say his name is John (privacy reasons). John is old and he is Muslim....great name to pick right Elder Marshall? ANYWAYS. John, answers the door and I feel impressed to start talking about living prophets on the Earth today. He is really intrigued and says "What is his name? I want to meet him!" We keep talking about the gospel and the Book of Mormon and testify of it's truth. He tells us that he is Muslim and his whole family is Muslim but he doesn't believe in the faith. He has been looking for truth for a very very long time. If I remember right he said for over 40 years. He said that if he knew this was true that he would be exiled from his family and that he would lose everything. Also, he is very wealthy and successful in what he did. A lot is on the line for him with this. It was pretty intense. We asked him if he trusted God. He said yes. We testified and promised him if he acted in faith to join Christ's true church that God would take care of him. We ended up getting him a Book of Mormon in his language and he said that someone years ago gave him a copy of the Book of Mormon but he didn't know where it was. He was excited to read it and learn more. Told us to come back next week.

Next week rolls by and same story pretty MUCH. We start talking to him on the door step and he shares how everything would be gone if he joined. Another week goes by and I am on exchanges Elder Barney. He invites us in and we teach him about the restored gospel. He loves it. He wants to read the Book of Mormon. However, he is starting to get opposition from his wife and family members. A week or so later, before I leave the area, Elder Palmer and I go back to teach him with the Elders Quorum President and talk about God and the Plan of Salvation and how through baptism he can become clean and live with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. It was a good visit. And that was the last time I saw John.

Fast forward to last Friday. 5-6 months later. In Zone Conference we are given an opportunity for a few minutes to share the miracles the missionaries have seen in their areas. So multiple companionships, including ours, stood up to share some sweet things that are currently happening in our areas. The last ones to stand are the Assistants to the President, Elder Stone and Elder Barney. They start off that this miracle involves a man named, John, and that Elder Marshall has a great part in this miracle. So I am anxiously waiting to hear what happened...

They have been able to meet with John off and on for a while with no real progress. Recently, they were able to get in and teach him and visit with him. John tells Elder Stone and Elder Barney that his family is extremely opposed to his research and study in the church. His wife even takes his copy of the Book of Mormon and HIDES it from him so he can't read it. But, he told the missionaries that he finds it and hides it from her. And when his family is sleeping, he goes downstairs and reads the Book of Mormon. He loves the Book of Mormon and feels it is true. He eventually comes to church a couple weeks later. He is attentive and just at the edge of his seat the entire time. He LOVES it. At the end of sacrament meeting, a member named Brother Heiser approaches him. Now. One thing to know about Brother Heiser is that he is the most missionary minded member ever. He is like 80 years old and carries pass along cards with him and shares the gospel with tons of people. His dog is named Mt. Timpanogus (the mountain in Utah) and uses the dog as a way to start a conversation about the gospel....sweet right? SO. Brother Heiser comes up to John and introduces himself to him...They both recognize each other from somewhere. They start talking and make a connection. Brother Heiser met John at a bank 10 years ago and he gave John a copy of the Book of Mormon. 10 YEARS AGO. Incredible right? Everyone at zone conference is losing their minds at this point.

So the missionaries meet with John the following week. They talk to John and he tells them that he loves everything and feels it is true. However, again, he will lose everything. He will have to move out from his home and give up everything to join the church. Elder Stone and Elder Barney ask him to pray to seek what God would have John do. He tells Elder Stone that he should pray. So he does. During the prayer, John is whispering under his breath "ok...ok........ok..." After the prayer they look up at John and John is just nodding his head. John looks up and says "God will take care of me"....the elders ask him what the plan is. John tells them that he needs to move out...that he needs to join the church. That is what God wants him to do.

He needs First Presidency approval to be baptized. But they are going to keep working with him and see if he can move out. John's hope is that he moves out for a few months and his family will be upset. But hopefully after a bit of time they will be more accepting and he can move back in with his family. 

You cannot make up these stories. It is only through the hand of the Lord that they are made possible. There are many other miracles I have seen throughout my missionary service. Each of them have increased my testimony that this is the Lord's work. And we are the instruments in His hands. I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. I know that through Him we can obtain the greatest joy and obtain eternal life. He stands with us. He loves us. And I know His work will continue forward. And I thank Heavenly Father everyday for the time I have had to be in this great work. Nothing is more important in the world today. 

Elder Dakota Marshall

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Matinsburg Zone Conference, December 2023