Friday, November 9, 2018

Following the Spirit in Frostburg

Oct 27, 2018 - We got to take ten missionaries up in the van to CUMBERLAND, MD which is a city out in western Maryland to all work for a few hours. I got assigned around Frostburg State University who was prepping for their homecoming football game against Southern Virginia University (totally distracting... I know). We were walking and I randomly remembered that I had dinner with a family in my ward in Columbia whose son was about to leave to play lacrosse at Frostburg. He is a member of The Church, but isn't active and I had the thought, "dang, I should hit up Shawn and see if he's around." I got distracted and a few minutes later we had no idea where to go so we literally just said a prayer on a street corner and both decided on this back street to walk down. The first college kid we met said that he was standing outside the LACROSSE HOUSE. I thought, "dang, this would be too good to be true," but the kid said he didn't know a Shawn. As we headed out to leave, a car pulls up and LO AND BEHOLD IT IS SHAWN. He started hooping and hollering and it was a fun reunion. He said he was on his way to someone else's dorm, but then felt like he should come check on the lacrosse boys. I straight up told him that out of the HUGE college city, for the ONE hour that we had to spend there, THREE HOURS AWAY from the home town we first met in, God put us together. Even with all the madness of a college lacrosse house going on in the background, I could tell it impacted him to know God is aware of him.There are plenty of moments where I don't totally know what I'm doing, but I know God leads me as I try my best.

~ Elder Stone

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Matinsburg Zone Conference, December 2023