Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Inspiration for Hanover Missionary Work

When we first came to our area we had been praying like crazy to know how to help the area best and our answer to our prayers was work with members! We started visiting more members everyday! Then we received council to start working with members and the promised blessing was that people would be put in our path who were prepared to hear the gospel. Since we've been doing it we have almost every time found a very solid person to teach (crazy miracles). We've had a family come to full activity since one stop to meet them with their ministering brother, and we've had multiple other members start coming back and working towards the temple. We've truly seen the blessings that come as you heed the council that comes from inspired leaders being led by God. 
Sisters Guevara and Custer

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Matinsburg Zone Conference, December 2023