Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Healing Power of Christ's Atonement

One Saturday morning we were in the chapel with a member of our ward. This sister has had some health struggles, and while we were sitting there she started to slip into what she calls an attack. In these attacks she cannot move, her head slumps down, she mumbles responses, and hardly remembers much of anything. We didn't know what to do, so we called her family, and kept her talking. After the calls to her family, we decided to start reading The Book of Mormon. We turned to 3 Nephi 17, and began to read where one by one the sick and the afflicted were carried to the Savior to be healed. As we were reading tears started to stream down her face. We asked her what she was feeling, and she replied, "His love." The spirit was very strong as we then told her, "His love can heal you." When those words were said, she slowly opened her eyes and lifted up her head. When she made eye contact with us, all of our faces were wet with tears. We sat their silently for a split second, and then her husband came rushing in. I will never forget that moment. The Book of Mormon can powerfully bring the power of The Atonement of Jesus Christ into our lives. This is His gospel, and The Book of Mormon can, and does, bring miracles through our Savior Jesus Christ, and His power can be accessed through the pages of that sacred book.

Sisters Fabis and Rapp

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Matinsburg Zone Conference, December 2023