Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Amanda Collins Baptism in Braddock Heights

This is Amanda Collins and she is from Gabon, Africa. Amanda is a the mom of five kids and basically the coolest human alive. When we (Sisters Jensen and Fabis) first met her, her life was falling apart and she told us that she knew the gospel was for her family she just didn't know where to start. We met with her on and off, and promised her blessings as she came to church and read. It was so amazing because every time she put her faith in God and miracles happened out of thin air. Her testimony grew so much, especially on the Plan of Salvation and atonement of Jesus Christ. Whenever we would ask her questions, she would say she would pray about it and tell us the next day. She is literally the definition of how to gain personal revelation! Her baptism was so amazing. Elder Smith was able to come back to baptize her (he Initially found her) and also Sister Fabis who taught her as well. Sister Jensen and Sister Grover helped her make it to that wonderful day.
July 7, 2018, Amanda was baptized. It was amazing. After she got out of the font, she kept repeating "I can feel it." After that she just glowed, and her testimony is so strong. WE LOVE AMANDA SO MUCH. She told us it was now her mission to help her family get there as well.
Sister Melissa Jensen

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Matinsburg Zone Conference, December 2023