Thursday, May 14, 2020

President and Sister Nye

On May 1, 2020 President and Sister Nye receive the Mission President's Keys from the Mutombos and officially began their service as leaders of the Maryland Baltimore Mission.

Greetings to all who follow the Maryland Baltimore Mission. My wife, Jan, and I have been called as Mission Leaders of this wonderful mission. We are excited to begin our service today. I cannot put into words on how humbled and honored we are to serve the Lord and to be called to the Maryland Baltimore Mission. We thank President Mutombo for his inspired service and pray for him in his new calling.

I included a picture of our family. Sorry, I'm not one of the handsome young men standing in the back. I'm the old guy sitting in front. We have 6 children by birth and 4 more by marriage. We have 4 grandchildren and one due May 19.

We look forward to the joy of service and the warmth of the relationships that will be developed. We love our Savior and sing the song of redeeming love. We commit our lives to Him, and the missionaries, members, and people of this great mission.
— with Brianna Nye, Travis Nye, Katherine Nye, Chris Jensen, Natasha Pinegar, Chandler Nye, Carolyn Nye and Wes Nye.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Covid Miracle in Front Royal, Virginia

Elder Carr and Elder Shupe in Front Royal

We were on a walk this afternoon after lunch. It started off with us just walking down a street and we saw a lady on her knees with her stuff around her. We knew that we aren't supposed to really talk to people at this time during our quarantine but both of us got a really strong prompting that we needed to talk to this lady.

She was crying and kind of just trying to rearrange all her stuff that was food amongst her backpack and her bag. We spoke up and said hello to her. She looked up, said hi and you could tell that she was going through a hard time. We asked her how she was doing and if there was anything that we could do. She said just pray for her, she said she wasn't doing too well because she had just lost her son. We both noticed the hospital band on her wrist so we knew that her son had just passed.

We expressed our remorse for her and that we know that couldn't have been easy at all and asked her name. Her name was Kielly. We offered the prayer and continued to talk to her after it and asked her a few questions. She said that she was walking back from the hospital and she knelt and prayed to God to send someone to help. That was the second time she had prayed in her life. When she looked up she saw us. The spirit was so strong as she told us these things.

We asked Kielly what she knew of Jesus Christ and she told us that she hadn't been religious at all throughout her life. She's never been to church. Two months ago she came to know that God was real and that Jesus Christ lived and died on the cross for us. We talked about our experiences and bore brief testimonies of how we know that God is there and Jesus Christ lives and loves each of us and how because of him that we will all live again how she will be with her son again after this life. That she can have her family be eternal.

She knew what we were saying was true and throughout our conversation you could see the peace and strength she was getting exponential growing. That you could see how she was truly happy knowing she can see her son again. We were able to grab her number so we can continue to talk to her and she said how she wanted to talk to us more about everything. How she has a lot to learn and she wanted us to come by and we can talk more.

We know that there are people that are ready to hear the gospel and God has been preparing. He will lead us to them and he will lead them to us. Keep up the great work Elders and Sisters, we know miracles will come of it.

Friday, May 1, 2020

Keep Love's Banner Floating O're You

We love you and wish you joy in your continuing service to Christ.

Missionaries in the Baltimore Maryland Mission

Thank you for serving in the Maryland Baltimore Mission, Mutombos!

Cartoon tribute by Sister Marshall.

Matinsburg Zone Conference, December 2023