Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Sister Bergstresser's Conference Revelations

I received so much personal revelation this conference that has helped me to grow as a missionary and as a Daughter of God.

I used to always say that there will never be a temple in my hometown, but when President Nelson was announcing the 12 new temples I heard a very distinct voice telling me, "Not never! It is coming! Just be patient and have hope". Through that experience I know that there will be a temple there eventually, whether soon or not it is coming!

That was one of the many revelations that have occurred to me over this General Conference weekend. Many of the other impressions I felt or revelations that I received are more personal but I know strongly that I have received many and that this work is being hastened! We are witnessing this hastening happening now! Prophesies concerning this time are coming forth and I have begun to recognize this more fully through the testimonies of our living Prophets and Apostles this Conference.

-Sister Bergstresser

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Mission Photo with Elder Christofferson and Seventy September 8, 2018

Missing when this photo was taken but attending the conference: Tyler Jackson, Robert Lape, Joshua Allred, Joseph Farrell, Eric Bryson, Jared Howell, Logan Teske, Eliza Terry, Sharlee Stratton, Elder and Sister Everts, Elder and Sister Peters

Mission Conference with Elder Todd Christofferson

Matinsburg Zone Conference, December 2023